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Gaming Solutions

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Flying Land
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12 june 2021

Игрокам нужно улучшать свой город, тренировать войска для атаки и обороны, улучшать капитанов.

Реализовано в игре:

Развитие города путем прокачки зданий, развитие мирных и военных наук. Двухранговая система юнитов. Клановая система с клановыми войнами. Для клана была разработана иерархическая организация с назначением должностей с различными привилегиями. Система захвата/управления внешними игровыми объектами.

Система захвата/контроля регионов. Походная система: атака, шпионаж, подкрепление, рекогносцировка территорий.

Grand RP - this is a direction in cooperative games, where each character created by the player plays a pre-designed role or scenario. Moreover, the scope of this role is indicated by the creator himself and the situations in which his character finds himself.
For players who want to try themselves as a self-designed character, just install the Grand RP launcher, available for free download. After registration, the “Servers” tab will contain a list of servers available for entry.
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05 May 2019
Vikings Mu
Vikings MU - the free-to-play fantasy RPG based on the legendary Continent of MU! At the start of the game the players can choose between 13 different character classes - Dark Wizard, Dark Knight, Elf, Summoner, Rage Fighter, Magic Gladiator, Dark Lord, Grow Lancer, Rune Wizard, Slayer, Gun Crusher, White Mage Kundun, and Mage Lemuria. Players can unlock two classes if they reach a certain level with one character: Magic Gladiator, and Dark Lord. Also, character cards can be purchased in order to unlock more character classes. Each class has its specific powers and items.
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21 july 2018
Icarus Phoenix
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29 April 2020
The game takes place on the fictional planet of Icarus, located roughly four light years from earth. The planet was the site of an attempted terraforming procedure, however unforeseen complications arose from exotic materials present on Icarus. These exotic materials cause the terraforming process to fail and leave the planet uninhabitable to humans. The process does however make the planet home to a viable ecosystem composed of genetically modified flora and fauna. You take on the role of an explorer sent to explore the planet, retrieve scientific samples, and eventually gather exotic materials for eventual sale on Earth.
Create complex enterprise software, ensure reliable software integration, modernise your legacy system.
Flying Land
GRAND Role Play
Vikings mu
Icarus Phoenix
the company
Наши услуги по ИТ-консалтингу помогут вам автоматизировать
и оцифровать операции, оптимизировать портфель программного обеспечения и внедрить новейшие технологии. В компании Stellar Stag LTD работают профессионалы с большим опытом, которые реализуют услуги цифрового маркетинга и помогают компаниям любого размера, от средних до крупных, с большим спектром деятельности.
Stellar Stag - это компания, которая предоставляет лучшие возможности для создания комплексной ИТ-стратегии для цифровой и технологической трансформации вашей организации и достижения ваших бизнес-целей.
What we
We are an IT company.
We develop software and run our own projects.
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World-class brands and established companies have chosen Intellectsoft as a reliable partner.
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64438, Larnaca, Cyprus
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